Introducing Team Escalation and other updates

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We'd like to introduce you to our brand new feature! With Team Escalation, you can set up –on a team-by-team basis– who will be contacted in the case of an emergency.

Up until now, customising your escalation contacts was only available at a 'Company' level. Now, thanks to Team Escalation, you can set up different emergency contacts for your night shift team (for instance) than for your day shift team.

Team Escalation gives your organisation better control over your safety management and will make sure, whether you use GuardianPlus 24/7 protection or our self-monitored service, your team will get the best possible response in an emergency situation.

Set up Team Escalation today by heading to the Safepoint Web Portal, browsing to the team you want to affect, and clicking 'settings' in the top right corner.

Can I use Team Escalation with my plan?

Team Escalation is available to organisations that use GuardianPlus 24/7 protection as well as those using a self-monitored plan. For those using GuardianPlus, our responders in our Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) will use the Team Escalation contacts in the case of an emergency.

What if I don’t set up Team Escalation?

If a team doesn't have Team Escalation, those responding to an alert will just see the 'Company Escalation' contacts, so you won't need to change anything unless you want to! This means that you can set up Team Escalation for one team, and have your other teams default to your standard Company Escalation contacts.

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More updates: battery life and signal status

Over the last couple of months, we've also released some great features that will help your in-house guardians and our GuardianPlus responders deal with staff emergencies.

When viewing a task in the portal, guardians can now see live updates of their staff's battery life and signal status. This will help guardians understand what is going on with their staff, particularly during times of coverage blackout.

For instance, if a user has triggered a time-out alarm because they failed to check in as safe during their timed task, a GuardianPlus responder will check the user’s battery and signal status. If they see that the user had been travelling and dropped into an area of no signal, they may pass this information onto the user’s escalation contacts, who can make a judgement on how to proceed.

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