Safepoint Nominated for UK Business Heroes Awards

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Safepoint has been nominated for the UK Business Heroes Awards with the British Chambers of Commerce

Safepoint were nominated for the award by the Norfolk Chambers of Commerce, in recognition of our community contributions during the COVID pandemic. Of the nomination, the Norfolk Chambers said:

We have been so proud of the kindness and spirit within the Norfolk business community, and we want to recognise your recent exceptional community efforts during the lockdown and pandemic.

A key focus of the nomination was Safepoint’s lockdown support. Safepoint knew that many businesses, large and small, would be struggling financially during 2020’s first national lockdown but were still needed to carry out essential work. We were particularly conscious that many key workers: delivery drivers, utility workers, health and social care workers and many others would be working outside and at reduced capacity. Indeed, with many community buildings closed, key services were carried out in people’s homes –which carries a higher risk.

That’s why we offered a month’s free Safepoint protection to anyone who needed it. Safepoint helps employers keep their staff safe, wherever they are, and also makes organising teams easier –vital when you’re workforce is working remotely. We were glad to be helping in a time of need.

The news of the nomination, then, came as something as a surprise. We are incredibly grateful, and humbled to be nominated alongside some truly amazing organisations in Norfolk and across the UK.

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